Sunday, 30 December 2012

A couple of initial paintings for my research on photosynthesis.

Monday, 24 December 2012

 Some work from my course project at college; I am making an animation showing the process of photosynthesis (plants etc).

Friday, 14 September 2012

 This mask/headpiece(?) is part of a project I did at the beginning of the year, explaining the function of a hobby horse  (used in folklore performances and rituals) in a way young children could understand. I focused on the decorative element, celebration through decoration; the kids could make the mask and decorate it themselves using lino-cut stickers.

Tuesday, 11 September 2012

 A whole heap of bowls etc that I have recently made; the result of a ceramics evening course. It was so great to work with a different material and make something tactile. Definitely a lot to improve on here,I'm pretty bad at glazing! The bottom bowl is the best of the lot, managed to get the glaze fairly even. The course is over now but hopefully I can find a way to carry on with this..      

Sunday, 19 August 2012

Some pictures of a lithography print I did back in May for our end of year show; we had to interpret the theme of 'Bi', using only pink and green. I wanted mine to be slightly ambiguous; a view within a view, where you're not quite sure exactly what you're looking at.

Tuesday, 22 May 2012

 These are my first attempts at lithography, which I started doing in February. Not overly happy with them, the drawings were rushed and not planned out enough, but I suppose they're useful anyway. I've been trying to print at least once a week, definitely something I'll be continuing with.

Monday, 21 May 2012

 Some photographs from an exhibition I have been involved with, Would I Litho You. The image is a drawing I did a while ago; I think I like it more in litho form, the texture translates better.(Should be a little darker though.) It's on in Browns of Brockley, opposite Brockley Station, till early July.

Thursday, 16 February 2012

 MORE. Really need to improve the text and figure out how to translate my own hand when cutting into lino. Moved onto a different project at college, but as I didn't resolve this properly I'm going to finish it in my own time.

Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Another Lino/a quick oil painting from my work on hobby horses..

Sunday, 15 January 2012

Work for the 'Fact' brief./A drawing/a 1st eva linoprint attempt (Need to work on it..) I'm researching a hobby horse displayed in the Horniman Museum, used in folklore traditions around Christmas and New Year. More to come!